Listed below are the current positions available. Select job to view in detail.
Job Title Location Listed by Date
Orthoptist or Ophthalmic Nurse/Assistant - Murdoch, WA Murdoch, WA, Australia Murdoch Ophthalmology Eye Specialist 11/03/2025
Orthoptist (full time) - Chatswood, NSW Chatswood, NSW Vision Eye Institute 4/03/2025
Locum Orthoptist - Sydney, NSW Sydney, Australia appointD 4/03/2025
Orthoptist/Ophthalmic Assistant - Canberra, ACT Canberra, ACT Clarity Eye Surgeons 26/02/2025
Part time Orthoptist - Doncaster East, VIC Doncaster East, VIC Cataract & Eye Surgery Centre 20/02/2025
Orthoptist/Ophthalmic Assistant - Chatswood/Lindfield, NSW Chatswood/Lindfield, NSW Lindfield Eye Care 19/02/2025
Orthoptist - Parramatta NSW Parramatta, NSW Personal Eyes 18/02/2025
Orthoptist - Blacktown, NSW Blacktown, NSW Cura Day Hospitals Group Pty Ltd. (Metwest Eye Centre) 18/02/2025
Orthoptist - Narellan, NSW Narellan, NSW Narellan Eye Specialists 17/02/2025
Orthoptist - Canberra, ACT Deakin (Canberra), ACT Personal Eyes 29/01/2025
Orthoptist - Campbelltown & Narellan, NSW Campbelltown & Narellan, NSW Retina Associates 29/01/2025
Orthoptist - Strathfield, NSW Inner West, NSW Strathfield Retina Clinic 20/01/2025
Orthoptist - Gladesville, NSW Gladesville, NSW Gladesville Eye Specialists 16/01/2025
Clinical Support Manager - Sydney or Melbourne NSW / VIC Johnson & Johnson Vision 9/01/2025
Orthoptist - 3-4 days a week - Leichhardt, NSW Central Inner West, NSW City West Eye Specialists 9/01/2025