Notices & Messages
  • Eyedeal Careers is pleased to announce exciting NEW CHANGES to our system. As we are committed to providing a Premium Service to all Job Seekers and Job Advertisers, we have now redesigned our system to enable Job Seekers to submit their Job Applications directly and securely on-line through our website, straight to our Job Advertisers.
  • Job Seekers: Simply go to our Current Positions Page and click on the desired job. Complete the short e-form and attach your Curriculum Vitae and a Cover Letter in the appropriate section. Then simply hit Submit.
  • Job Advertisers: Simply go to our Submit Job Ad Page and complete the e-form. Then simply hit Submit.
  • Orthoptists and Job Advertisers seeking to know the pay award rates for and conditions for NSW, Australia may wish to visit the site
  • Please note that internationally qualified Orthoptists intending to work in a professional setting may only be able to be employed for a period of 3 months at any one location. This may be dependant on your visa. You should check the stipulations of your visa. It is also advisable that you contact the Orthoptic Association of Australia for more information.
  • ORTHOPTISTS considering employment in the United Kingdom may wish to consider contacting Carolyn Calcutt at C.Calcutt is the Head Orthoptist at Carring Cross Hospital in London and may be able to assist in registration and seeking employment.
  • Please note that many countries now require Australian qualified Orthoptists to take competency examinations to be able to gain employment. If you are seeking work overseas, it may be also be useful to contact the appropriate representative of your International Association (eg. International Orthoptic Association, IOA), as they may be able to assist you in finding work.