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Job Title:

Orthoptist - Campbelltown & Narellan, NSW

Job Description:

Seeking a Full-Time/Part-Time Orthoptist for our growing
team at Macarthur Eye Specialists located in both Campbelltown
and Narellan. Macarthur Eye Specialists is a multidiscip-
linary ophthalmic practice with 12 Ophthalmologists, Orthopt-
ists and Receptionists. We are looking for an enthusiastic
and motivated individual to join us. You will be exposed
to a range of conditions such as Cataracts, Medical Retina,
Glaucoma, and General Ophthalmology. The successful applican-
t would have the following: • Ability to perform o Patie-
nt history/VA o Ocular motility assessment o I-care
tonometry o OCT and OPTOS o Humphrey Visual Field o A-scan o P-
entacam o Immersion o Subjective refraction o FFA/ICG
o Assist in minor surgical procedures and intravitreal
injections • Professionalism with excellent communication
and customer service skills. • Ability to work confidently
in a fast-paced environment both solo and part of a team. • Comp-
uter literacy and ability to help with administrative
tasks when required. • Flexibility to travel between both Campbel-
ltown and Narellan rooms. • Have attention to detail,
be reliable and punctual. Experience is desirable but graduat-
es are welcome to apply. Training will be provided to
the right candidate.

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